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Ultimate Guide To The 7 Chakra Colors And Meanings

Ultimate Guide To The 7 Chakra Colors And Meanings

Table of Contents

What Are Chakras?The 7 Chakra Colors And Their MeaningsConclusion

Chakras have their unique color. They highlight the importance of chakras in daily life. Learning the chakras' colors may open your eyes. Your daily life and health will soon be linked to your chakras.

What Are Chakras?

There are a few things to take care of initially. The Sanskrit term "chakra" means "wheel" in English translation.

It refers to the whirring of energy centers deep within your body's core—your own internal energy. Along your spine, you'll find swirling circles of universal energy that connect your mind, body, and spirit.

Individual colors, degrees of natural elements, consciousness and more are linked to these chakras.

The 7 Chakra Colors And Their Meanings

Chakra colors

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • An entrance and anchoring point for all of the other primary chakras is provided by this chakra.This chakra's color advises us to calm down, be mindful and keep ourselves protected.
  • Symbolizes energy, comfort, stability,and safety.
  • Located near the tailbone at the base of the spine.
  • In order to strengthen your roots, a reddish-black mineral called hematite is a good stone to use.
  • Red in color.

2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

  • When it comes to physical and emotional demands, the sacral chakra is where it all begins. It's also where creativity and self-worth begin. Warmth and enthusiasm radiate from the orange chakra, just like its color.
  • Symbolizes sensuality, pleasure, sexuality, and sociability.
  • Located two inches below the navel.
  • Tiger's eye's orange hue makes it a fantastic stone to practice with if your sacral chakra is out of whack and you are experiencing a lack of control in your life.
  • Orange in color.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • The chakra of the solar plexus, which is placed just above the navel, has the hue yellow-orange. The yellow chakra, on the other hand, boosts your sense of self-worth and empowers you to take action.
  • Symbolizes strength, power, personality, and determination.
  • Located at the upper abdomen above the navel.
  • Any humiliation or self-doubt you've been experiencing may be felt in your gut. Amber is a yellow stone that can be used in this situation.
  • Yellow in color.

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Compassion, forgiveness, empathy and love are all based in the heart chakra's core of balance. In addition, the Anahata helps a person's feelings of trust, kindness, and thankfulness align with the color green's symbolic significance.
  • Symbolizes acceptance, compassion, sincerity, and love.
  • Located at the center of the chest.
  • When dealing with the Heart Chakra, the best stone to use is pink rose quartz.
  • Green in color.

5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • The throat chakra governs the power to talk, as well as one's ability to express oneself. In addition, the blue chakra enables you to utilize your energy more effectively, particularly in the arts.
  • Symbolizes communication, creativity, inspiration, and expression.
  • Located at the base of the throat.
  • Blue lace agate is ideal for throat chakra work because of its lovely light blue hue.
  • Blue in color.

6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • The third eye chakra is associated with higher states of consciousness, such as enlightenment, clairvoyance, and self-awareness. Using red for its vigor and clarity and blue for stability and calmness, it strikes a perfect harmony. Spiritual insight, clarity, and an improved "sixth sense" are all made possible via mastery of the indigo chakra.
  • Symbolizes intuition,meditation, trust, and lucidity.
  • Located between the eyebrows.
  • Rich purple amethyst or dark blue lapis lazuli are wonderful stones for this chakra because of their color.
  • Indigo in color.

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • A person's crown chakra is the most spiritual of the chakras. Additionally, violet and white are universally recognized colors. Purple is the color associated with spirituality and awe-inspiring ideas. With its longest wavelengths and least vibration and frequency, red attracts attention, but with its shortest wavelength and highest frequency, violet attracts the divine, allowing you to connect with your soul and higher self as well as the universe.
  • Symbolizes knowledge, fulfillment, spirituality, and consciousness.
  • Located above the forehead.
  • You can use clear quartz to open yourself up to spiritual experience by working with this chakra.
  • Violet or white in color.


Having a greater understanding of the chakras can help us live more balanced and harmonious lives. Working with the colors of your chakras is an excellent approach to restore harmony if you suspect any of them of being blocked. More on chakra balancing may be found here if you'd like to go beyond the surface level of colors.

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