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Reiki Hand Positions For The Back Of The Body—Treatment For Others

Reiki Hand Positions For The Back Of The Body—Treatment For Others

Table of Contents

Hand Positions For The Back of the Body

After completing the first eight Reiki hand positions, which cover the head and front of the body (as well as the front of the legs and feet, if necessary), you will need to ask your client to roll onto their stomach. At this point, the individual is likely to be very calm, if not asleep. Therefore it is critical to be friendly and sympathetic. Pat or massage their shoulder gently, quietly say their name, and gently ask them to turn over. Assist them if they require assistance, and ensure that you relocate the previously-mentioned pillow beneath their knees—move it to their ankles.

Ascertain that their head is comfortable—if you have a therapy couch equipped with a face cradle (and the toweling-covered sponge ring that fits over it to provide further comfort), the client may use it. However, some people dislike feeling so constrained. The head can be held to one side or resting on an arm—just allow the client to select a posture that is comfortable for them, and after they are relaxed, begin treating the back of the body.

Hand Positions For The Back of the Body

The next hand position may be performed behind the client's head or on the side, as desired. Then the rest hand positions are performed beside the client's body.

The Shoulders

Reiki hand position the shoulders

a. Both shoulders may be treated together or independently (see 9b and 9c). If you opt to sit or stand behind the client's head, place one hand on each shoulder, heel to shoulder, fingertips were pointing down the back. Maintain this posture for 3 to 5 minutes before gently removing your hands and moving around to the client's side for hand position 10.

b. and c. Alternatively, each shoulder can be treated independently, which is beneficial for always under stress. If you want to sit or stand behind the client's head, place both of your hands next to each other on one shoulder (it is simpler to begin on the opposite side from which you will perform the remainder of the treatment) and hold for 3 to 5 minutes. Then, moving one hand at a time, softly place both hands next to one another on the opposite shoulder. Maintain this position for 3 to 5 minutes before gradually removing your hands and moving around to the client's side for position 10.

d. While sitting or standing behind the client, place one hand on the left shoulder and the other on the right shoulder to treat both shoulders simultaneously. This is a significant stretch, so ensure that you can do it quickly; otherwise, revert to 9a. Maintain this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then gradually move your hands to position 10.

The Back

Reiki hand position the back

Stand beside the client and gently lay one hand in front of the other, palms flat against the back, approximately halfway between the shoulders and the waist. Therefore, one hand should be on either side of the body, with both sets of fingers facing away from you. It is customary to leave a gap between your hands about where the spine is located. Maintain this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then gradually slide your hands to position 11.

The Waist

Reiki hand position the waist

Gently position one hand in front of the other, palms flat against the body and fingers pointing away from you, so that each side of the body is covered, leaving a small gap between the hands towards the spine. Maintain this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then gradually slide your hands to position 12.

The Buttocks

Reiki hand position the buttocks

a. Gently place one hand on each buttock, palms facing in the same direction (fingertips away from you), allowing a slight gap between the hands at the spine. Maintain this posture for 3 to 5 minutes, then softly and gradually remove your hands and, unless you are treating the back of the client's legs and feet, return your hands to the client's head to begin smoothing the client's aura.

b. Gently place one hand on each buttock, palms flat against the body, one hand facing the left, and one hand facing the right, as illustrated. For some, this may feel more natural. Maintain this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then softly and gradually remove your hands and, unless you are treating the back of the client's legs and feet, return to the client's head to begin smoothing the client's aura.

Before commencing any Reiki session with a client, please review the preparations we mentioned in the preceding sections to ensure that you are comfortable with the process. Consider yourself the conduit via which Reiki is being transmitted from you to your client, and your session will be successful.

Sally Nardone | Women’s Grace & Empowerment Leader 🌻Reiki Master Teacher, Usui/Tibetan/Lightarian/HolyFire 🌱 Meditations/Sessions/Courses/Workshops 🌹 Soul Coach Facilitator


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