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The Ultimate Crystal Healing Guide

The Ultimate Crystal Healing Guide

Table of Contents

Crystals Teach You to be Grateful for Nature's Never-Ending BountyWhat Role Do Crystals Play in Healing?Choose the Crystals That Are Most Appropriate for YouChoosing Your IntentionMaking Use of the CrystalsHow to Get the Most Out of Your Healing Stones?Different Crystal Colors Have Different Meanings

Crystals are something more than the glistening gems you might find in a ring or necklace They are natural healing instruments that can assist with the channeling of energies into the body.

All will benefit from learning more about healing crystals. Using crystals in your Reiki practice will complement and supercharge your powers.

Crystals will help you develop helpful skills like yoga and following your intuition, which can help you tap into your own healing powers if you're only getting started with energy healing. There's a lot to like about these lovely stones, and you may be surprised.

Here are only a couple of the many points you'll learn from this article:

  • How healing crystals may assist you in removing negative energies that could be harming you in the past.
  • Cleaning and improving the effectiveness of the crystals techniques.
  • Step-by-step instructions for choosing and using your new crystals.
  • Each color of crystal has its own collection of abilities that you can use to improve your life.

If you're trying to recover from a breakup's emotional distress, shield your body from sickness, or even find more meaning in your life. You've landed at the right place. I'm going to teach you what you need to know about crystal healing properties.

Crystals are entwined with the Earth's and Time's forces, having evolved over time from water, salts, molten rock, and even vapor. Ancient cultures such as the Mayans and Egyptians have long known the influence of these stones.

We are all mindful of their tremendous power today. Scientists have understood the energetic properties of crystals. They can be present in medicines as well as in electronics such as computers.

Crystals are used for curing and many smart people before us have shown how impressive they can be. These stones, on the other hand, will teach us some important lessons.

Crystals Teach You to be Grateful for Nature's Never-Ending Bounty

They serve as a physical bond to the earth as well as a reminder of that relationship, helping you stay grounded.

Healing crystals have harnessed the power of time. These stones have existed for millennia and have formed as a result of their perseverance. The energy within the crystal is transformed with each passing moment.

You will benefit from all of the energy found within each crystal. The abundance of energy is ready to assist you.

Never-Ending Bounty

What Role Do Crystals Play in Healing?

Crystals are naturally occurring energy sensors. For thousands of years, these stones have been collecting and storing energy. This energy is there to help you with your recovery, and it will help you in a lot of ways.

Crystals can aid in the elimination of excess energy in the body. For example, Clear Quartz has the potential to absorb negativity from a person, a location, or a situation. These crystals behave similarly to magnets, attracting unwanted energy to make room for more of the energy the body needs.

Crystals can also help to increase energy levels in the body. Simply by being in close proximity to a crystal, you can tend to balance its energy vibrations. At any point, both you and the crystal will vibrate at the same, higher frequency.

What Role Do Crystals Play in Healing

This Process is Known as Entrainment

When two energetic bodies are close enough together, the lower-frequency body progressively increases its waves to accommodate the higher-frequency body. Crystals are often used to inject positive energies into the atmosphere. Crystals, like Reiki Masters, can take energy from the endless supply of the universe and channel it into the body.

The use of crystals to stabilize the energy field is a powerful method of doing so. They can absorb any unwanted energies in order to make room for the positive emotions they are introducing into your system.

I'll teach you how to search and use your perfect crystal in a clear and easy manner. But I also wanted to give you a step-by-step guide to the basic therapeutic practices you'll need to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe.

Crystals can aid recovery in a number of ways, but finding the one that fits best for you is critical.

Choose the Crystals That Are Most Appropriate for You

Each crystal has its own energy signature that can affect the health of your body and system, so each one you pick up can have a unique impact. It's difficult to decide which crystals are right for you because they come in so many different shades, shapes, and gleaming beauty. Here are a few suggestions to help you pick out your new healing stones.

Choose the Crystals That Are Most Appropriate for You

The most straightforward way to make a decision is to follow your intuition. The first reaction is almost always right when it comes to crystals. Your insight is your subconscious mind leading you until your conscious mind gets a chance to weigh in.

Meditation is another method that will assist you in making your decision. Pick up a diamond and keep it in your hands while closing your eyes.

After that, pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, impulses, or physical stimuli that arise. So far, what have you learned? Did you have a positive or negative reaction?

Every person's experience may be different, but there are a few telltale signs that you've found the dream crystal:

  • You may feel hot or cold in your hands.
  • Tingling feelings.
  • A surge in vitality.
  • Your conceptual clarity is impressive.
  • A deep feeling of tranquility.

Color can also be used to choose healing crystals and each color is reputed to have its own package of benefits. Anxiety, confidence, comfort, and a long list of other emotions are all represented by stones.

If you're aware of a trouble area in your life, such as trouble opening your heart to love or a need to relax from everyday pressures.

You should choose stones that will aid you in overcoming specific problems. For eg, Rose Quartz is a wonderful stone for enhancing your love life, and Azurite is a wonderful way to bring more peace into your day.

I've included a list of various colored crystals and their advantages later in this article that you can use as a guide. It's also been said that you have no control over the crystal you get. On the other hand, the crystal is attracted to you.

All of these methods will assist you in determining which crystal is better for you. Pick the approach that makes the most sense to you. If you're a science buff, then get to work! If you have a peaceful meditation routine, allow yourself to be led to your crystal. If you've found your crystal, there's one thing you need to do before you use it.

It's Time to Clean Your Crystals

Your crystal has been around for quite some time, and who knows where it was before it came into your possession. It is important to clean the crystal when you first receive it and to continue to do so on a daily basis after that.

Here are a few of the most popular ways to clear your crystal of excess radiation.

  • One of the simplest methods is to soak the fresh stone in water.
  • Using drinking water instead of tap water to avoid impurities from tap water.
  • Purified or salt water are also viable alternatives.

Time to Clean Your Crystals

Smudging is another effective way to clear stale energy from your crystal. Traditionally, this technique has been used to clear negative energy from a person or a room.

Smudging is a cleansing and purification procedure that involves burning a sage stick and allowing the smoke to cleanse and purify the person, space, or crystal. If sage isn't around, another holy plant such as cedar or sweetgrass would suffice.

Before using crystals, they must be hidden in the earth. This enables them to harness the earth's vibrations and revert to their natural energy state. Have a mental note of where you put it if you go this way so you don't forget!

Other stones can be supported by a sunbath or a moon bath. Since certain crystals, such as Citrine, depend on the sun's energy to cure, they must be subjected to direct sunlight for a few hours until usage.

Cleaning curing stones can be achieved in a lot of ways, but some are safer than others with certain crystals. If exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period of time, any stone, for example, can become discolored. Try using a separate cleaning method for stones like Amethyst, Amber, and Rose Quartz.

Many people come to this conclusion and conclude that what they need to do is pick and cleanse their crystals to make them function. This, though, is not the case! The next two moves are crucial for maximizing the curing ability of your crystals.

Choosing Your Intention

To work correctly, all healing crystals need an intention. When you set an intention, it becomes rooted in both your daily thought processes and your energetic body.

The vibrations of your feelings have an effect on what you're manifesting in your life. As a consequence, setting an intention sends out vibrations of what you wish to manifest. The crystal would then amplify up those sensations and help you relate to them.

If you don't already have one, there are two factors to consider when deciding on a reason. 

  • What are the values that you like the most? What is the most important part of your life? What are your life's driving principles? 
  • What parts of your life could use some tweaking? What is the perfect location for you to concentrate your healing energy?

Make sure you know exactly what you're looking for and why you like it. Any healing technique you employ should require the creation of a goal.

Perhaps you're looking for a way to cope with your mental distress. Let go of your apprehension. Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction. Maybe you really want to get rid of the pain in your body. No matter what your target is, this step-by-step program will help you personalize your healing process.

As previously said, crystals have the ability to repel, draw, or consume specific types of radiation. If you have a good intention, you'll be able to customize your crystal to do just what you need it to do.

Making Use of the Crystals

If you want to get the most medicinal effects from your crystal, you'll need to configure it so it knows just what to do. The first step in the programming process is to clean the crystal. Let me stress how important it is to maintain the cleanliness of your crystals.

Cleaning them was the topic of a separate episode, and I'm taking it up again as part of the programming process because it's so important. You'll need to keep syncing your crystal with your energy until it's completely clear and devoid of all remaining energy. Close your eyes and hold the point tightly in your hands to do so. You will attach to the highest frequencies by entering a room of love and light.

This action is similar to meditating. You're establishing a link with your higher self so that your crystal's energies can be directed in the right direction. When you're in this love and light-filled room, remember your intent. This confirms the crystal's role in your recovery, allowing it to focus the energies you need.

Rest in this state of higher consciousness for as long as your intuition tells you to. Last but not least, I'd like to thank you for your crystal.

Congratulations on achieving your goal! Your crystal has now reached its maximum capacity and is ready to be used. Let's talk about how you can use the crystal to help you heal.

Making Use of the Crystals

How to Get the Most Out of Your Healing Stones?

There are as many ways to use medicinal crystals as there are ways to use Reiki.

Your creativity is the only limit.

If you're not sure where to begin, I've mentioned some crystal-related techniques below that can serve as a good starting point.

It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to using a crystal. The calming energy, like Reiki, is based on your intention.

Wear the crystals to help you recover

Wearing a crystal is the simplest way to get started with it. Many people have their crystals fashioned into necklaces or bracelets so that they will still have them with them.

When you first put the new crystal on, you will not be able to keep it on for the whole day. There is no fixed amount of time during which you should wear a crystal and each person's response to it is different.

Instead, pay attention to how the stone affects the body and energy field. If you're having trouble with harmful side effects, start by wearing your crystal for half an hour at a time and eventually increase the time you spend with it.

You may also rub a certain part of your body with your soothing stone. This is an effective way to channel the energy from a crystal for a short period of time. For example, you might rub Carnelian on your forehead the morning of a major test or presentation to improve your trust in your skills.

Another example is placing a blue stone, such as Sodalite, on your throat to help you relax for a crucial discussion. The blue crystal can help you communicate more effectively by helping you to express just what you need to say.

Meditate on your soothing crystals

It is also possible to use crystals as a meditation tool. It's a good idea to start by holding your crystal in your hand or placing it in your meditation room. If you hold the crystal close to you, its energies will assist you in harnessing it while you calm your mind and connect with your higher selves.

Since it strengthens the mystical experience, amethyst is the most widely used mineral for meditation. However, any crystal will suffice while meditating.

Another example is meditating while holding a red stone, such as Ruby, to absorb the red energies to get a lift before a long day at work.

Meditate on your soothing crystals

Boost the environment's energy

By strategically placing crystals in particular locations, they can also be used to infuse energy into space. Outside your fence, place crystals to help protect your home. Indigo crystals can also be used to aid sleep by putting them in your bedroom to draw calming light. There are so many possibilities.

Increase the strength of your Reiki energy

Crystals will also help you with your Reiki practice. If you hold them in your therapeutic room or wear them when doing a treatment, they will help to enhance your Reiki Energy.

Both crystals and Reiki practitioners, as previously said, serve as pathways for universal energies to access a person's body in need of healing. It's almost as if you have a second healer with you in the bed!

Wearing crystals when administering Reiki to a customer and placing them on my client's body to promote healing are two of my favorite ways to use them. These two techniques are among the most effective since making the crystal make contact with the skin allows for optimal frequency synchronization.

Knowing what the crystal's colors represent will be useful regardless of how you want to use it.

Different Crystal Colors Have Different Meanings

Colors are made up of energy as well, and each one has a distinct vibration. Understanding the meanings of these colors will help you choose a stone, create an agenda, or practice Reiki more effectively.

Since certain crystals come in a variety of colors, it's also interesting to know what the various crystal colors mean. One well-known example is quartz. Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz have vastly different applications.

Different Crystal Colors Have Different Meanings

Crystals that are translucent or white

Crystals that are white or translucent in color may be used for cleansing and purification.

The power of these crystals to absorb negative energy and pull it out of the body is well known. The beauty of white and transparent acts as a blank canvas for releasing old energies and welcoming fresh energy.

Selenite, Moonstone, Clear Quartz, and Natrolite are some of the crystals that have been discovered.

Crystals of the color pink

Pink crystals are filled with a lot of caring, compassionate, and romantic energy. These crystals are for you whether you need to be kinder and more loving to yourself or others.

Crystals such as Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Morganite, and Kunzite have been found.

Crystals with a reddish hue

Red crystals are widely found in jewelry and can be used to instill passion, inspiration, or warmth. Some people have been able to give up unhealthy caffeinated drinks like coffee when they have a red crystal that energizes them instead of unhealthy caffeinated beverages like coffee.

Any of the crystals found are Ruby, Red Jasper, Garnet, and Fire Agate.

Orange-colored crystals

Orange crystals will help you let go of something that is no longer helping you. They have both soothing and energizing properties, encouraging you to be more open to letting go of negative emotions.

Crystals such as Carnelian, Copper, Sunstone, and Aragonite have been found.

Yellow crystals are crystals that have a yellow tint

Yellow crystals help in resource coordination and organization. Since this hue helps to reorganize the energy levels, the majority of people use these stones to break bad habits.

Crystals such as amber, yellow citrine, mookaite, and gaspeite have been found.

Green crystals are crystals that have a green tint

Green crystals will help you balance your battery. Green stones, unlike transparent crystals, which help you clear toxic energy from your body, help you reroute energy flows in your body so that they are balanced. 

Crystals such as emerald, jade, malachite, and green aventurine have been found.

Crystals in the color blue

The energy inside these stones allows you to be honest and open, encouraging you to discover and express your honesty.

Crystals such as sodalite, sapphire, angelite, and blue topaz have been found.

Indigo Crystals

Indigo crystals, which resemble the night sky, are a great stone for calming down. Relax comfortably and drift off to a quiet sleep as the soothing aura of these crystals washes over you.

Crystals such as lapis lazuli, kyanite, azurite, and indigo gabbro have been found.

Violet Crystals

Violet or purple crystals are said to bind you to your spiritual side. These stones will help you connect to greater power and even call on the gods for assistance. Utilize these powerful stones to meditate in a way you've never seen before.

The crystals in this series include amethyst, sugilite, iolite, and violet flame opal.

Black Crystals

Black crystals, the stone of protection, are perfect. Black crystals repel radiation rather than absorb it because black is the polar opposite of white. Since black crystals are sturdy and durable stones, many people use them to protect their homes from negative energy.

Crystals such as obsidian, Apache Tears, Tourmaline, and Shungite have been found.

Brown crystals

Brown crystals are used to keep things stable. Grounding and a sense of connection to nature are provided by these stones, which are the same color as the earth. When things are tumultuous or unpredictable, look for a brown crystal.

Crystals such as Tiger's Eye, Halite, Smoky Quartz, and Bronzite have been found. It's worth noting that all of these crystals are available in a number of colors. Quartz comes in a variety of colors, ranging from clear to pink to orange.

Follow your intuition about the color you're attracted to and heal yourself with the crystal's energy! You may be thinking about which healing strategy is the most effective now that you have all of this new information. Well, while healing crystals can be a great addition to your energy practice, Reiki is clearly the best.

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